Thursday, January 10, 2008


1st. important date:

The New Year

In the new year my family an I go to the beach. It is very interesting and funny becose the new year in the beach is
different and more striking.

In the beach the weather is nice and this time it is very hot this is the best.

2nd. Important Date:


The carnival in cuenca is very beautifull and interesting. But it is date very important for me becose my family prepair it with many moths before.

In my house kill a pig and prepair for the days of carnival these days we spent in a small village near Oña.

It is unforgettable.

3nd. Important Date:

Wedding Aniversary of my fathers

In the aniversary of my fathers is very important for

my and my sisters becose thanks to this marriage we have

the family happy`s. My sisters and I prepair the dinner

special for the family

4nd. Important Date:

The Holidays in the beach

In the holidays I usually go to the beach with my friends it is very funny and interesting becose in Playas the weather is very nice.

I go with my friend near about 2 weeks. We came to a department where we have everything necessary this is very comfortable.

I love go to the beach.

5nd. Important Date:

The Christmas

Christmas is the most beautiful time of year because all are with the spirit of Christmas and happy because the whole family will meet.

At this time all care about the rest of the people watching the gift for each person.

The christmas is beautiful.

6nd, Important Date:

My Birthday

My birthay is very special for me becose everyone is really

important to me and I'm important to share with me the

whole day at home or dancing but

this is very beautiful.

I love my birthday and I think we all expect his birthday.

Any days in my live

My Personal Calendar:

February :

February 22 This day is the birthday of my best friend her name is Angelica, this day we happen with more friends and celebrate to the big, and we are best friends from the school, but this until time we have separated a little.

This month we celebrating the carnival is very “chevere” because in my family we make a meeting, and the whole day or the days we happen that lasts in my grandmother's house


In this month is my birthday !!the first day!! (1/03/1983), is really really good, because I have many gifts, and most importantly is have time with my friends

May :

We celebrated the Mom day, in my house we meet with the whole family, we buy cake, ice cream, came and gifts for my Mom. In general we celebrate in the night, but each one of my siblings in the whole day gives him gifts. It is a very good time with my Mom because in general we don't make anything


This month is very important because we celebrated the Christmas, in reality we celebrated the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, and we give thank you because he dies for our sins, for us to be saved


First Date

January 26th to 31st. 13th Cristhian Metting G12

This week is very important for me and for my husband, because each year we travel to Bogota Colombia for this Convention. Our best Pastors are Cesar and Claudia Castellanos

Second Date

February 19th. My Wedding Aniversary.

I was married on Saturday, that night was very rainning, I don't forget that day.

We are celebreting 9 years of married the next year. This picture is four years after our wedding, here we renew our married votes and we married again.

Third date.
February 25th. Birthday of my youngest son.

Pablo Andres is my youngest son, the next year he's five years. He's studing in UNE DEL AZUAY School. He's in pre basic. He watch in TV Mickey Mouse and house's of mouse every days.

Fourth Date

Second Sunday on May. Mother's Day

I love Mother's day, in this date we celebreted with my mother, my grandmother and my mother in law. That day all men are cooking and the mothers are relaxing.

Fifth Date.

July 7th. Birthday of my oldest son.
Sebastian is my oldest son. The next year he's eight years old. He's studing in Federico Proano School, he's in thirth level and he loves play soccer, he's goal keepeer in his selection.

My babies are the best gift from God and my husband to give me.

Sixth Date
December 25th. Merry Chrismas

I like this date because all the families remember the Jesus birth and we pray about one hour, after we share meal and then we exchange gifts.


JANUARY : The first important date is New Years, because I celebrate with my family on the coast. The night of new years eve, we meet with my family and go to see the stooge in Portoviejo.... it's very nice.... they make very good masks in Portoviejo.... before midnight we arrive at the house to celebrate the new year...

FEBRUARY: 14 this is important for me because we meet with my friends to drink coffee and dine.

MAY: One of the most important dates is the secund Sunday of May, because it's mothers day, I prepare a surprise for my mom, every year is different, my mom is very HAPPY.... we spend it together doing many activities like going to the park, eating an ice cream and enjoying the day. It's a beautiful day together with my mom....:)

AUGUST: the month of august is very very important because it's the birthday of my mom on the thirtieth, I prepare a cake for my mother and a special dinner for her.... We invite my family in the night..... I always give her a very special gift that she uses.....

SEPTEMBER: 20, This is most important IT'S MY BIRTHDAY.... calls begin at twelve. If I'm in Cuenca my friends visit me in my house, sometimes they prepare a surprise for me, my friends from high school meet and we go out.... And if I'm in Portoviejo I stay together with my family that is very fun ....and they always do something special for me... :)

DECEMBER: 25, is very important for me, because we prepare special food, I make many many sweets for all my family...we meet too with friends and sing hymns and carols, then we eat dinner, it's very nice because we remember the birth of Jesus and the purpose of his coming..... :)