Thursday, January 10, 2008


First Date

January 26th to 31st. 13th Cristhian Metting G12

This week is very important for me and for my husband, because each year we travel to Bogota Colombia for this Convention. Our best Pastors are Cesar and Claudia Castellanos

Second Date

February 19th. My Wedding Aniversary.

I was married on Saturday, that night was very rainning, I don't forget that day.

We are celebreting 9 years of married the next year. This picture is four years after our wedding, here we renew our married votes and we married again.

Third date.
February 25th. Birthday of my youngest son.

Pablo Andres is my youngest son, the next year he's five years. He's studing in UNE DEL AZUAY School. He's in pre basic. He watch in TV Mickey Mouse and house's of mouse every days.

Fourth Date

Second Sunday on May. Mother's Day

I love Mother's day, in this date we celebreted with my mother, my grandmother and my mother in law. That day all men are cooking and the mothers are relaxing.

Fifth Date.

July 7th. Birthday of my oldest son.
Sebastian is my oldest son. The next year he's eight years old. He's studing in Federico Proano School, he's in thirth level and he loves play soccer, he's goal keepeer in his selection.

My babies are the best gift from God and my husband to give me.

Sixth Date
December 25th. Merry Chrismas

I like this date because all the families remember the Jesus birth and we pray about one hour, after we share meal and then we exchange gifts.

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