Thursday, January 10, 2008


1st. important date:

The New Year

In the new year my family an I go to the beach. It is very interesting and funny becose the new year in the beach is
different and more striking.

In the beach the weather is nice and this time it is very hot this is the best.

2nd. Important Date:


The carnival in cuenca is very beautifull and interesting. But it is date very important for me becose my family prepair it with many moths before.

In my house kill a pig and prepair for the days of carnival these days we spent in a small village near Oña.

It is unforgettable.

3nd. Important Date:

Wedding Aniversary of my fathers

In the aniversary of my fathers is very important for

my and my sisters becose thanks to this marriage we have

the family happy`s. My sisters and I prepair the dinner

special for the family

4nd. Important Date:

The Holidays in the beach

In the holidays I usually go to the beach with my friends it is very funny and interesting becose in Playas the weather is very nice.

I go with my friend near about 2 weeks. We came to a department where we have everything necessary this is very comfortable.

I love go to the beach.

5nd. Important Date:

The Christmas

Christmas is the most beautiful time of year because all are with the spirit of Christmas and happy because the whole family will meet.

At this time all care about the rest of the people watching the gift for each person.

The christmas is beautiful.

6nd, Important Date:

My Birthday

My birthay is very special for me becose everyone is really

important to me and I'm important to share with me the

whole day at home or dancing but

this is very beautiful.

I love my birthday and I think we all expect his birthday.

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