Wednesday, November 12, 2008

EGYPT the country of the Pharaohs

Egypt is located in Africa. Bounded on the north by the Mediterranean Sea, south of Sudan, on the east by Israel and the Red Sea and the west by Libya.

There are four regions:the southern region inundated by the waters of the lake formed by the dam of Aswan , the country's central region stretching from Aswan to Cairo and the northern region, where the great delta of the Nile and the desert region west of the Nile valley that extends to Libya.

In addition to the Arabs (98%) of the population, there are also the Bedouin, the Berbers, Gypsies, the Nubians, the Beja and the Turks.


The Red Sea beaches are regarded as a gift of nature. The sea water there is a blue, fair and transparent, there are coral reefs, fish and a mountain range parallel to the sea, with different shades of color, and between them and the sea just what separates a plain.

The food is a mix of Egyptian traditions Mediterranean, African and Middle Eastern

Cairo, capital of Egypt, is the largest city in Africa with over ten million inhabitants. Crossed by the Nile.there are exceptional pharaonic monuments, as famous pyramids, one of the seven wonders of the world.

Its attractions are: the Egyptian Museum, with a vast collection of art works and antiquities of the nearly 5,000-year history of this civilization, including the treasure discovered in the tomb of Tutankhamen

We can also visit Memphis, the first capital of the Egyptian empire until his transfer to Thebes, where you can see the alabaster sphinx and the colossal statue of Ramses II, and Sakka,

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Baños of Ambato

One place than is ideal for vacation is Baños of Ambato in Ecuador.

It's a city very little, but It's charmy for your architecture, cultural and your people than they are very nice.

You can visit the church, walk for the city with many peace. In every street there are many customs of craftsmanships very pleasant and exotic. Even your encounter customs of the kandys Traditional from tha place, called "melcocha".

You might go to the pool. There is one in special, because in that place there is a waterfull and you could take a shower there. It's very relaxing and offer go to the pool hot. You can watch the Tungurahua Volcano, in this year has been in eruption, is really spectacular.

And finally go to the way between Baños and Puyo, is much better to go in bycicle and cross the tunels.



Brazil is one of the best country in south america, It's the country bigger than all the countries than are near of these. It's limit for the west with Paraguay, and more down with Argentina, in the south with Uruguay and finally near to the atlantic ocean.

Río de Janeiro is your capital city, it's big, there are many beaches, than are so beautiful and gorgeas. The most of woman, the mayority are very pretty.

In this picture we can watch the beautiful scenery of this great city. The weather is really nice, very hot for that is near to the ocean. There are many mountains, not so big, so so. The people doesn't friendly, just a little.

In that country is find to the best soccer's teem in the world, all the kids from very smaller practice this sport than is classify it as the better sport in the world.

Monday, November 10, 2008



In my life I have had many holidays but only one that has been unforgettable, this has been the best of the other.

My best holidays were on the beach with my family in the know "path of the sun". In these holidays I went with my family for all the beaches of Ecuador, this was spectacular because it was a different climate in each place and each beach.

Traveling around the profile of coastal Ecuador starting from Manabi, Los Rios, Guayas, Esmeraldas, El Oro and maintaining consistent view of the sea, making our trip unforgettable
Had very beautiful scenery but most of all the company of my family.
This is a journey that I would repeat it a thousand times, but always with a big company like that of my family who makes the biggest moment of my life.


Ecuador is the best country in all the world. This country is in South America, in the center of world, in the coast of the Pacific Ocean. It has two stations summer and winter. Quito is the main city. The River Amazonas is in border with Peru and this is the most mighty on the world. There are four regions Cost, Mountain Range, it Orients and Insular Region. The Andes Mountan Range is very important for this country because it help in its weather, as we are in the torrid zone will be very hot. The oficial lenguage is spanish and the money is the dolar.

Dominican Republic

The Dominican Republic is divided into 33porvinces. the capital is santo domingo.
this country is beethween haiti and the caribean ocean
the tourism in very importan in this country because in the economy for this people, in have a lot of beaches very populars like Punta Cana, because in that place in have a lot of bars, discotec and places that people can go to visit.

The country is a tropical, maritime nation. Wet season is from May to November, with periodic hurricanes between June and November. Most rain falls in the northern and eastern regions.
dominican republic, is a beautiful country where you can find a lot of places to go, santo domingo you can find mall, malecon where people can walk and a importan international hotels like Hilton.


This countri is wonderfull so have people very friendly and atractives city. anoter this coutri is famous for beach and tourism ecologic. Costa Rica in the 2008 is the better developed because the goverment invest in education for progress of tourism.

my best vacation

i had the best vacations in my life crazy times ill never for get. it was one year ago, i went with my family to atacames beach, it was the beautiful time in my live because i was with my mom, dad and brothers.
in beach i learn to swim in the ocean, and to play volleyball with my friends.

i had the best holidays ever. Was really special and great. new and amazing things! i loved it
after my vacations end it on the beach i was really sad but at the same time i was happy beacause i had and amazing new adventure i meet a lot of new people and make good friends. i had the best time with my family


This is a special day for me in my work we celebrate with flowers after lunch us give us calm, at night I go to dinner with my friends. that day is very special for all women in where we enjoyed all day.make us feel loved, and we spent well


This is the third country of the world in her magnitude, has the number more great of people living there, more of the fifth part of the people of the world.......
China have the mountains more high of the world, with three important
mountains, called, Tien Shan, Kunlun and Qin, because they have a beautiful scenery
the most important cities are Shangai, Pekin and Tianjin,
China have a climate temperate, but also have a desert zone, semi-arid zone in the western interior and a small area of tropical climate in the southeast. The Monsoon (predominant wind) Asian exercises the primary control on the climate of China, in other places of China the climate is different, more or less 15º, because are mountain.....
China takes some places to visit for example, The Desert of Gobi, is a place very cold, locate in the northwest of China, this place is very sandy, dry and rocky. Other place for vis
it is the spectacular calcareous pinnacles with altitudes understood between the 30 and 180 meters, located to the south of China in a mountainous region, between other place...... but the more important place that all need see is the Great Bailey of China make in the years 1368-1644 more or less.

Another of the things that makes important to China is the Silk Worms, because in the entire world they are recognized by their quality, softness, and beauty, in all that is cloth

China like Ecuador for the diversity of climates that has, are privileged because this also has a very big variety of flora, the same as the distinguished variety of animals, and they are privileged here still by the varieties of animals
that disappeared in the rest of the world, here they are preserved, as the great fish poliodóntido, species of crocodiles and salamanders, the giant panda (that inhabits in an exclusive way in the Southwest of the country) among others animals.....But for me, the most important thing is the Culture, and Science


FEBRUARY.-10 of each year we celebrate the anniversary of my parents' marriage, with cake and handed them a gift from their children and sometimes we remember things that made kids ...
21 also celebrated the birthday of my brother Paul ...

In the month of May we celebrate Mother's Day ... Always buy a cake and a gift for my mother ... sometimes make a single party with all my aunts to celebrate with family ... and prayed the rosary ..

In the month of June in my house we celebrate Father's Day, as in Mother's Day buy a delicious cake, a present and sometimes ice cream ... but rarely celebrate with my guys ...

In September as I can go out and holidays are everywhere, sometimes where I'm going to visit my grandparents, my uncles and friends ... Also I go to dance with my cousins to meet new people ... and relax a bit ...

As always in the month of November is celebrated the festival of Cuenca, at that time we go out with my family for a walk around the fairs ... go have some fun in the Play Land Park, and you can not miss the exit to dance and enjoy these short vacation ...

The last month of the year is celebrated Christmas, because we are all going shopping in search of a gift for someone .. This month also celebrated in years old and received in new year with my family ...


The climate of Brazil

The climate of Brazil varies according to the altitude and the latitude of the area: From the aridity of the interior, to the tropical climate of the Amazons and of the regions of the east coast. In general, it can be said that is mainly tropical. It is a humid country, of changing climatology, especially to the south. The season of rains depends on the region: from January to April in the north; from April to July in the northeast; and from November to March in the regions of River and São Paulo.
The stations in Brazil are opposed those of Europe and United States, except in the north region. This way, the winter is from June to August, with temperatures stockings 18°C oscillate among the 13 °. The summer it lasts from December to February, with a temperature average of 30 °C. The annual half temperature is of approximately 28º C in the north and 20º C in the south.
Brazil can visit at any time of the year, although in summer it is when receives more affluence of tourists. It is necessary to keep in mind that in those dates the heat can reach unbearable bench marks. For example, in Rio de Janeiro, in the middle of summer, the temperature often arrives to 40º C.
It was December 2004, when my Dad decides to have a Christmas vacations in North Carolina. That was after my brother invites us to enjoy his family for this celebration. I had to set all the things in the university to go, well, we went to Miami first, we spend 3 days there visiting the famous mansions, Miami Beach, and also something that I enjoyed most the Outlet tour, where I spent a lot of money buying, after Miami we went to Durhan where the airport nearest to Cary is, my Brother was at the airport waiting for us, that was so exiting because we didn´t see him for over six mounts, my niece and nephew where huge, they took us to their house, we had a wonderful meal, after that played with the kids until we fell to slept.
The next day we went to visit the science museum where we could see dinosaurs and a lot of interesting things, the universities are amazing, the University of Duke is one of the most famous universities in the States.
The day when we left to Washington snowed that was my first experience with it.
Washington is a big city with a lot of things to see there are all the Memorials, the White House and all those amazing things in the City. The Hotel was great we enjoy the stayed there, the Hotel was no to far from the White House.
Those where one of the most amazing vacations that I ever have, so I recommend you to do it.


Paris is the capital of France. It is located in the north, bathed by the Seine. Has an estimated population of 2,167,994 inhabitants.

The city is the most popular tourist destination in the world, with more than 30 million foreign visitors annually. It is regarded as the most beautiful and glamorous city in the world, as it has several famous monuments and global recognition as the Eiffel Tower, the Cathedral of Notre-Dame, the Champs Elysees, the Arc de Triomphe, the Basilica of Sacre Coeur, of Invalides, the Pantheon, the Arch of Defense, the Opera Garnier and the neighborhood of Montparnasse, among others. It also hosts world-renowned institutions such as the Louvre, the Orsay Museum and the National Museum of Natural History in France.

The temperature in the summer can exceed 30 ° C occasionally throughout the season, but rarely exceed 35 ° C; maximum temperatures tend to hang between 25 ° C and 30 ° C and are frequent storms. Spring and autumn are mild with abundant days of rain. The winter is not very rigorous, the average temperature is around 5 ° C, and alternating days of rain and snow (although it is more frequent rain to snow fall.


MARCH: This month is very important because the 5th is my mommy's birthday, and my dad invites the whole family to eat lunch in a very beautiful place, then at the night my parents’ friends go to my house to give her a surprise and all gathered in a small party in our house. Also in this month March 8th take place the woman's day, my dad and brothers, they invite us to eat and then they give us gifts to all of us. In the afternoon my friends and I go out to take a coffee and to celebrate this day important.

MAY: On the second Sunday of May takes place mother's day, it is a very important day in my family with my Dad, Brothers and brother-in-law we organize a meal to celebrate, also with my Dad we give gifts to my mommy, we always look for something very pretty for her because she is a very special person in our lives.

JUNE: This month is important because on the third Sunday takes place the father’s day, my mommy prepare a meal to celebrate this important day, together with my sister and sisters-in-laws make a surprise for the fathers of the house, we get together to celebrate in family.

SEPTEMBER: This month is very important in my city, September 8 take place the Virgin Maria’s day, and in my city is a great devotion to the Virgin María that is in the sanctuary of the Cisne, this image visits the city in August, she stays until November for this reason many devote people arrive. In the nights there are many parties all over the city.

OCTOBER: October 3 is my birthday is a very important day in my family they celebrate me with a meal and the birthday cake and in the night I meet with my friends making a small meeting and in some cases we go out to a bar with all my friends.

DECEMBER: For me this it is the most important month in the year, the 24 take place the Christmas night and it is very important for all of us in the house, the night of the 24th we have a dinner with all my family that night is very pretty the atmosphere of the Christmas in the whole house. After dinner it comes the time to open the gifts the children are the happy to do it, we all receive gifts.

My beeeeest Vacations

For two years I went to Playas has a small city two hours from Guayaquil, has a very beautiful beach, on this occasion we stayed at the Hotel Dorado that the beachfront. The food is delicious, you can enjoy as dishes: ceviches, casuela of seafood, and a variety of seafood. At night I could see iguanas in the trees of Central Park. There are places to go dancing at night.