Wednesday, November 12, 2008

EGYPT the country of the Pharaohs

Egypt is located in Africa. Bounded on the north by the Mediterranean Sea, south of Sudan, on the east by Israel and the Red Sea and the west by Libya.

There are four regions:the southern region inundated by the waters of the lake formed by the dam of Aswan , the country's central region stretching from Aswan to Cairo and the northern region, where the great delta of the Nile and the desert region west of the Nile valley that extends to Libya.

In addition to the Arabs (98%) of the population, there are also the Bedouin, the Berbers, Gypsies, the Nubians, the Beja and the Turks.


The Red Sea beaches are regarded as a gift of nature. The sea water there is a blue, fair and transparent, there are coral reefs, fish and a mountain range parallel to the sea, with different shades of color, and between them and the sea just what separates a plain.

The food is a mix of Egyptian traditions Mediterranean, African and Middle Eastern

Cairo, capital of Egypt, is the largest city in Africa with over ten million inhabitants. Crossed by the Nile.there are exceptional pharaonic monuments, as famous pyramids, one of the seven wonders of the world.

Its attractions are: the Egyptian Museum, with a vast collection of art works and antiquities of the nearly 5,000-year history of this civilization, including the treasure discovered in the tomb of Tutankhamen

We can also visit Memphis, the first capital of the Egyptian empire until his transfer to Thebes, where you can see the alabaster sphinx and the colossal statue of Ramses II, and Sakka,

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