Friday, November 7, 2008


My trip went to Loja..... I went to Loja the last month, with 3 friends.......

From the beginning the trip was fun ...good... Almost was fun, be
cause We almost the bus we abandons..... We went in a taxi behind the bus, because he Mr driver not wanted to stopped...
was very ugly..... but after that time was very funny........later the travel went very tired because the way is bad bad bad..... we arrived to Loja more or less in the evening, then we ate in the terminal... but the food was very bad... after I went to house of my cousin..... and my friends went to house of other friends......I slept on the sofa, because my cousin had no beds free...... The next day I woke up 8 of the morning because my cousin had a visit...... was very bad, because I was putting the sleepwear.....Was very shameful.......
Later I met my friends and we went to a place called Vilcabamba, a place located roughly 45 minutes of Loja. It's a place with temperate climate, we arrived as a half day, we went directly to fetch food, and to find good, the food was very good, though a little expensive but it was super tasty, we spend knowing the place, had a zoo, But this was in poor condition, lacking very carefully, and then returned to Loja. The next day we met Loja, also met the zoo of Loja, this was much better than that of Vilcabamba, had more space for animals, there are gray bears, wild cats, monkeys, a giraffe, was a very beautiful day. But like everything comes to an end, we had to return to Cuenca .... But we have a pretty good memory of the ride.

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