Monday, November 10, 2008


The climate of Brazil

The climate of Brazil varies according to the altitude and the latitude of the area: From the aridity of the interior, to the tropical climate of the Amazons and of the regions of the east coast. In general, it can be said that is mainly tropical. It is a humid country, of changing climatology, especially to the south. The season of rains depends on the region: from January to April in the north; from April to July in the northeast; and from November to March in the regions of River and São Paulo.
The stations in Brazil are opposed those of Europe and United States, except in the north region. This way, the winter is from June to August, with temperatures stockings 18°C oscillate among the 13 °. The summer it lasts from December to February, with a temperature average of 30 °C. The annual half temperature is of approximately 28º C in the north and 20º C in the south.
Brazil can visit at any time of the year, although in summer it is when receives more affluence of tourists. It is necessary to keep in mind that in those dates the heat can reach unbearable bench marks. For example, in Rio de Janeiro, in the middle of summer, the temperature often arrives to 40º C.


Tania Avila de Suárez said...

It would enchant to me to know Brazil, I have listened good references. Soon I planning a travel to Brazil.

Henry said...

Brazil is a country very nice, because its people are very happy, and the climate lends itself so that its inhabitants are mostly outgoing.