Monday, November 10, 2008


FEBRUARY.-10 of each year we celebrate the anniversary of my parents' marriage, with cake and handed them a gift from their children and sometimes we remember things that made kids ...
21 also celebrated the birthday of my brother Paul ...

In the month of May we celebrate Mother's Day ... Always buy a cake and a gift for my mother ... sometimes make a single party with all my aunts to celebrate with family ... and prayed the rosary ..

In the month of June in my house we celebrate Father's Day, as in Mother's Day buy a delicious cake, a present and sometimes ice cream ... but rarely celebrate with my guys ...

In September as I can go out and holidays are everywhere, sometimes where I'm going to visit my grandparents, my uncles and friends ... Also I go to dance with my cousins to meet new people ... and relax a bit ...

As always in the month of November is celebrated the festival of Cuenca, at that time we go out with my family for a walk around the fairs ... go have some fun in the Play Land Park, and you can not miss the exit to dance and enjoy these short vacation ...

The last month of the year is celebrated Christmas, because we are all going shopping in search of a gift for someone .. This month also celebrated in years old and received in new year with my family ...

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