Friday, November 7, 2008


The Republic of Colombia is in the northwest of the South American Continent. The total area of Colombia is of approximately 1,141,748 square kilometres.The Capital of Colombia is Bogota, which in addition is the biggest city.
The Limits of Colombia are:
North: Panama and the Caribbean Sea.
South: Peru and Ecuador.
East: Venezuela and Brazil.
West: Pacific Ocean.
In Colombia there are other cities Medellin, Cali, Barranquilla and Cartagena.

The weather is very diverse in each of the Colombian regions : cold, warm and rainy

The mountain chain of The Andes dominates the western half of Colombia, subdivided in three big mountain chains, the Western, the Head office and the Oriental. Between the mountain chains, the rivers Magdalena and Cauca flow towards the low plains along the Caribbean coast.
The mineral resources are very varied. Colombia is the major source of emeralds of the world. Other significant reservations include oil, natural gas, coal, gold, silver, iron, salt, platinum and something of uranium.
In its mountains, valleys, sheets, deserts, seas, lakes and rivers there are suitable scenes for the practice of extreme sports and you venture in that unforgettable sensations are experienced.

Colombia: its diversity Is so beautiful that travelling in any direction in 50 kms. you can see a clear dawn, with the dew falling down on the plants and trees, the fog going down on the mountains, or a late afternoon in Cartagena with the breeze striking your face.

1 comment:

(risti@n said...

Colombia is a country very beautiful, Cali with its people and its climate makes it a very beautiful city ... I know one day I je je je