Monday, November 10, 2008


MARCH: This month is very important because the 5th is my mommy's birthday, and my dad invites the whole family to eat lunch in a very beautiful place, then at the night my parents’ friends go to my house to give her a surprise and all gathered in a small party in our house. Also in this month March 8th take place the woman's day, my dad and brothers, they invite us to eat and then they give us gifts to all of us. In the afternoon my friends and I go out to take a coffee and to celebrate this day important.

MAY: On the second Sunday of May takes place mother's day, it is a very important day in my family with my Dad, Brothers and brother-in-law we organize a meal to celebrate, also with my Dad we give gifts to my mommy, we always look for something very pretty for her because she is a very special person in our lives.

JUNE: This month is important because on the third Sunday takes place the father’s day, my mommy prepare a meal to celebrate this important day, together with my sister and sisters-in-laws make a surprise for the fathers of the house, we get together to celebrate in family.

SEPTEMBER: This month is very important in my city, September 8 take place the Virgin Maria’s day, and in my city is a great devotion to the Virgin María that is in the sanctuary of the Cisne, this image visits the city in August, she stays until November for this reason many devote people arrive. In the nights there are many parties all over the city.

OCTOBER: October 3 is my birthday is a very important day in my family they celebrate me with a meal and the birthday cake and in the night I meet with my friends making a small meeting and in some cases we go out to a bar with all my friends.

DECEMBER: For me this it is the most important month in the year, the 24 take place the Christmas night and it is very important for all of us in the house, the night of the 24th we have a dinner with all my family that night is very pretty the atmosphere of the Christmas in the whole house. After dinner it comes the time to open the gifts the children are the happy to do it, we all receive gifts.


(risti@n said...

Is very pleasant to spend valuable time with the family .... and this show your photos ... that good calandario

Tania Avila de Suárez said...

Congratulations, the birthday's my father is October 3th, too.