Tuesday, October 21, 2008

tHe DrEaM vAcAtIoNs....

FiVe YeArS AgO......

i wEnT To tHe BeAcH tO sAlInAs.. tHis tRiP WaS vERy sPeCtAcUlAr..

..i explain you why..??

i went with my sister and her friends(4 friends) a thursday, the weather was a little sunny..but it wasn´t a problem because we were very happy in the beach.
well.... fisrt we arrive in Playas in a friend´s house, it house was to thirty minutes of Salinas..we arrive in the beach..we swim a little and then we meet with new friends..they were from Loja..besides they were very handsome. in the night we went out with them to the discoteke..we drink much because besides in these nigth i was of birthday...it was wonderfull....in these night i knew to a big friend...(these was the first time that i went out of house without my parents...)

1 comment:

Henry said...

Very nice vacation, these beaches are very beautiful and has many places to have fun during the stay