Tuesday, October 14, 2008

My Personal Calendar

I'm Iván and these are some the most important dates for me in next months

November 3rd

This date is the my Mother's birthday. Always my youngest sister and I woke up very early and give to my mother a big hug and a beautiful gift. Afther to breakfast we will to see the militar parade for Cuenca independece day. Finishied the parade we will go to restaurant for a special meal. After we will go to walk for the downtown or the Mall.

December 13th

This is a very important day, this is my birthday, I will be thirty. I am planning to go out with my close friends.
To get this age is very peculiar, for somebody this age is still young and for others is old.
But I think that one is that keep in mind, I'm feeling young and I have many projects to reach.

I will go to enjoy my age, life is very beautiful.

December 24th
Christmas day. This day we remember the birth of Jesus Christ. This season is very happy. It is a very important day to my family, we are meeting in my Uncle's house, he make a very delicious turkey, after to eat this special meal we go to the living room and interchange gifts just after the midnight, and say everybody ¡Happy Christmas!

New year eve This is a very interesting day and night. First we go out to see the "años viejos" in the downtown, after we go to my Uncle's house, there we meet with my Uncle's family and together have a special meal. Very close to midnight all together go outside and play with fireworks to give the welcome the new year. We go to rest very late 2 o 3 am.
The next day for me is very peculiar and sad, the city is very alone, I remember many things that happened just the year is finishing. Many things are good but others are bad, this is the moment for think about my goals for the new year.

Happy new year¡¡¡


In this month in 18th is my youngest sister birthday, she will be 23 years old. Her name is Daneila. She is a person very happy. She is studying Medicine at the Catholic University in fifth year.
The next year she will go to do her "año de internado" in a Hospital, she want to go to Quito.
I know she will be a great Doctor.

August (Vacation Season)

This is a very funny month. I have two nieces. For me they are very important. They are very funny. They live in Riobamba but for this vacation season they will come to Cuenca and spend their time with us.
I love that they are in home, the house is full of happiness.
But in September before that school begging they should return to Riobamba. And I should wait until December to see their again.

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