Tuesday, October 14, 2008

My FaVoRiTe DaTeS

14tH fEbrUArY..(vAlEnTiNe´S dAy)

One of the dates more important of this year was THE VALENTINE´S DAY..because I am meeting with my best friends for a special meal.. we watch terror, comedy and adventure movies..sometimes we go shopping or we cook for ourselves. Besides I go with my friends.. I am with my dear family in the house in the morning and the evening..we go out to swim in a near beach.

23tH ApRiL..(nEpHeW´s DaY)
This date is very special....because that day was born my nephew..he is the boy most beautiful of the world.. when he was born all the family was very happy and my brother in law almost faint because Andrew (my nephew) is his fisrt son. Well.. the truth ... I always dreamed to be aunt..and this dream is met..ja

05tH MaY (SiStEr´S dAy)

This day is very important...is the sister`s birthday, she is eleven years old ... She is the last of the house..the pampered..!! Verito is very inteligent and a super sister.. In her birthday my parents, my sisters and brothers give her a gift.. we make a birthday´s cake, we buy many chocolates and cookies, candies, bombs and streamers and all else for her party. It is a occasion in that the family is meeting....

2nD SuNdAy on mAy (mOtHeR´s DaY)

This day is very very special for all the family ...in which we are meeting in Gualaquiza in where are my parents. There my sisters and me help to her (my mother) to cook something special as: a good rice with vegetables, chiken or other meat, mayonnaise and an excellent juice of fruits mostly. Besides my brothers and me go out to buy a gift for her, we make a special cake and we prepare all this to the night celebrate.. Sometimes we buy flowers; my father isn´t very romantic, he say us that my brothers and me arrange this meeting....

25tH aUgUsT (My BirThDaY)
This day is important but at the same time in this day I always put a little sad and I feel happy...ummm...in reality are mixed feelings. In this day I go out with my family to the beach or to walk in the linears parks and we eat something out. And also...always my friends forget call me in this day and they call me the next day....but I forgive after one or two days...ja

25tH dEcEmBeR (cHrIsTmAs)

This date is the most important in the world because the people remember the birth of boy Jesus...also it is the opportunity in that the people give presents to theirs loved ones..it is the time of forgiveness, hugs and reunions with the family.....my family and me in this date decorate the christma´s tree and we go to the church to pray for my brother who is in the United States..In this accasion also we eat many sweets..

1 comment:

Danny said...

hello mony..

I think it is important to celebrate special occasions with friends and family .. or simply with those who are special, this is healthy ...

good weekend
