Wednesday, October 1, 2008



In this date we have the carnaval holiday that is pretty awesome for everybody, and for my family is really special because we get together in some place and have a meal like poor or just a bbqq meal with chiken and meat.
And the really special thing is coming after the meal when everybody get wet and with something dirty over on our body like eggs or flower.
In this holiday i have the chance to spend time with my family from other cities like Zaruma, Quito and is pretty cool.
And some day i want to go to another country to spend the carnaval holiday, that will be something really really exciting. That country could be Brazil i will love to see the "GAROTAS"


This date is great date for me, is my birthday and for general i go party with my friends and maybe trough a party in my place.
For lunch my mom always cook something special for like churrasco or guatita ones of my favorite foods.


This day I finished classes was really awesome because i studied a lot and i had tons of subjects, but in two of the subjects i had a little bit of trouble those subjects are tranferencia de calor and tranferencia the fluidos, was really hard for me pass those subjects. In tranferencia de fluidos i could pass in the first exam but for transferencias de calor was more difficult, i had to gove another exam and in that exam i finally passed the course and i felt really really good with me was a really cool feeling. After that i went with my classmates to celebreted whith all of them.


In this date was the integral race from all the contry, racer from Quito, Ambato, Cuenca.
The race lasted two days, the first day was in the zone of Gualaceo and the second day was in Checa two towns of Azuay.

The winner of the race was Aldo Paredes, he is from Ambato and he is a really good racer.

The racer for the picture is Genaro Coellar and he is from gualaceo, he ends second in the race.
Was a good race.


In this date is the independence of my beatiful city CUENCA. In this date everybody go crazy party, going shopping.

Usually the people go to the Calderon park because everybody meet there and have a lot of fun.

And this date is pretty cool bacause we dont have to go to classes and we have two or three days out.


And finally cpmes the nicest time of the year christmas time, this date is my favorite because everybody gets toguether with each family.

In my family we meet in my grandmother house and we have i really good meal like pork, chicken and all that kind of staff

Other thing that i love of christmas is the religion spirit that everybody have in this time.

And the presents is cool too, everybody love presents.

1 comment:

Paúl said...

What's happen men jeje...really nice your articles...I see one picture in than we are stay all sit in the tecno, good times, don't you?? We are old jeje...Good luck!!