Tuesday, October 21, 2008

My Special Dates

New Year

Januari 1. This date is special for me. because in this day my family meet in my mothers house, in this they we celebrate a New Year whit a special meal, all menbers of my family are very happy, in special the children, because they play whit their new toys.


This date is fun, in the month that is, because my famili thavel to other cities, how Gualaceo or Riobamba, in ocasions we tyravel to Ambatos carnival, Any years we not travel and only we celebrate in our house, bat whit much water and famili and friens. whit my friend we wet to the girls, whit water ballons and water bucket, so sapecial meet can be hornado or other meal

Mothers day
May Second Sunday. This Day is special for my because, I meet whit y mother and my brothers and sisters, so my aunts, cousins. we make a party. we celebrate this day whit a meel wine and sweets. I say that this day isn't so special, because I say whit my mother all days are special. Although this day is dedicated to them

Day of the dead

November 2. in this day we celebrate, day of the dead. in this ocasion my family meet for go to church, in honor to the relative dead, but not onli this, every year how is traditional in my famili we prepare a Colada Morada anr Guagua Pan. We fun while we prepare the mass

Cuencas Independence

November 3. this date is celebrtae the independence of Cuenca, for this festivity to the city come any plays. how the Play land Park, any fairs that which tend to be in many places, how in totoracocha. This date is Funy bacause, we meet whit my friends and we visit any places, we go to the play land park and we climbe to any plays, and we buy any interestin things


This date is special because the family is happy, forget about the problems at least for this occasion, there is joy all around the house, children are happy because they receive many gifts, I like it because it is known as the date of Peace

1 comment:

Lily said...

You have had a very full agenda. Thanks for the ride to the concert of old cathedral, was very good