Monday, October 27, 2008



In the begining of this year 2008 my friends and i dicided to go to Esmeraldas because none of us knew before. For the trip we needed a car and for lucky my dad lent us his car. Allreally with the car we were all set for the trip and on Friday, March 3 we left from Cuenca to Esmeraldas but we stopped first in Quito for a couple days because one from my friends have a department there. Was pretty awesome stayed there for those days we partied and drunk a lot but really a lot. But we did othre staff like we went to the malleslike Quicentro, Jardin, San Luisand finally we went to the teleferico, up there is really realy cool but has a beatiful view.

After those days we finally went to Tonsupa-Esmeraldas, my friend has a house over there, our plan was stay there for like five daysand that was we did,was pretty awesome the fist forth day but in the fifth day my car was broke i didn`t know what hapened with the car. Then i called mi dad and he told me that i have to take the car in a towcar and took the car to Quito to get the car fix. This vacation was and mix of feeling, because in the bigining was awesome but then in the end was kind of bad.

1 comment:

juan pablo said...

hi... This very interesting your holiday in esmeraldas.. Because was with your friends.. bye