Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Four years ago my family and my had the better vacation on all my live. We went to know The Sierra Regiom from Ecuador and we know a few from Colombia. We traveled one week. On there travel we know a lot of places.

First we visited "THE VIRGIN FROM LA PAZ". The shrine is on the river and she is cover for a rock, it's how a tunnel. To arrived there we had to went for a street very narrow and the shrine is at the bottom next to the river.

Next, we Know the Church from "LAS LAJAS". This place is very quite and people is graceful and friendly. On Colombia we was one day, this day we bougth many sweet, crackers, chocolates; these are cheeper on this country.

We returned on the nigth to Ecuador and the next day we visited The Tulcan Cementery. It's beautiful, because in our contry is the better, it has a lot of figures designes in trees. The typical cementery only have the tombs.

Then we visited the church from "EL QUINCHE" on this place poeple one time on the year went there because there is a pilgrimage with the virgin from this place.

On Quito, we was two days, because it's big and have a lot of places to know. First day we visited the "Mitad del Mundo" is a place with many thigs from all the Ecuador: its culture, typical food, typical clothes.

In the afternoon we visited th church from "San Francisco", in these moment it was being restore. The next day we Knew "EL PANECILLO", these day I remenber it was raining and we didn't have an umbrella but from there you can see Quito because El Panecillo is in the top of this city

The next day we went to "Baños de Ambato" and we was in a bathplace, from these place we had could see the volcan Tunguragua, on this moment it wasn't active and the wather in these down from the valcan.

Near there way to Oriente I knew any waterfall for example: "el manto de la novia", "el pailón del diablo" and another to don't remember its name. The waterfall "el manto de la novía" had a "tarabita" on the river and with my cousins we crossing to other place and we saw a lot of plants and had contact with the place on where begin the waterfall.

And this was the better vacation on my life, because I knew a lot of places and the most important is that I was whith all my family.

1 comment:

elizabeth alcívar said...

Hi... I find very very very nice your vacations... It has been a experience wanderful for you and all your family ..... I hope can to visit all this places .....

Also interesting is that it has shared with his family throughout this beautiful journey..
bye :)