Monday, October 27, 2008


This year, on January, my husband, my babies and I travel to Bogota-Colombia. Really we think to travel my husband and I, but one day before we decide to travel with our babies. We travel on saturday 26th on January, andy just that day was the birthday of my husband. We departure at 6 o'clock and went in our car and we arrive in Rumichaca Bridge at 18 hours o'clock. In Ipiales, a friend help us to keep our car in his garage and we take a bus from Ipiales to Bogota. The travel it lasted 17 hours, Sebastian and Pablo Andres was tired and hungry. In Bogota we stay in Salome's house, she is a good friend. That week was increible, we make the city, the parks and a lot of people. After a week we return, we take a bus from Bogota to Ipiales and we were delayed 25 hours for return because in the way a big car crash with a motorcycle and the motorcycle's driver died and close the way even the policemen arrive and they make corpse rise, there is very bad.
We arrived in border of Ecuador on Sunday (carnival's Sunday), and we arrived in Cuenca on Tuesday (carnival's Tuesday). In this three days we knew Tulcan, Otavalo (we bought clothes), San Pablo lake, a zoological in Quito, I not remembre it name, Yaguarcocha lake, and another places. Was a fantastic travel.

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